I have been reading the cute book to Daniel this week just before he goes to bed and we are loving it. He is my little dragon and I am his Mama. It can be read or sung to the tune of “Hush, little baby” It begins....
Hush, Little dragon, don't make a sound,
Mama's gonna bring you a princess she found.
If that princess runs from you,
Mama's gonna bring you a knight or two”
Ashburn has included lots of traditional dragon delicacies such a princesses, knights, kings, queens and musketeers, added lots of fire breathing and clever rhymes such as magician/nutrition and queen/cuisine. Kelly Murphy's illustrations of the google-eyed dragons with blue and white striped horns are quirky and not at all scary for little ones.
Dragons are different from humans, but in the story Mama dragon does what any mother does....feeds her children, defends them, keeps them safe, and protects them through the night. A lovely book to be memorized and cherished.
Highly Recommended for ages 3-6. 8/10