Thursday, March 3, 2011

Kisses are Yuk – Julia Jarman

I guess it had to come some time but my 4 year old has decided that he doesn't like kisses. I fondly remember the little boy who would have kissing frenzies and kiss everyone in sight (almost). Now it is all about hugs or pseudo kisses such as the Koala kisses are ones where he will rub noses with me or the Butterfly kiss that is done by fluttering his eyelashes against my cheek. I grew up in a kissing family where it was expected that children will give kisses for hellos and goodbyes. I like this too and would love for this to be so in my family. But Daniel is adamant that he hates kisses. Sometimes I manage to sneak one in but he will always use the back of his hand to wipe it off. So when I saw this book, “Kisses are Yuk” I thought that this was a book for Daniel. In the story young Jack likes getting thanked by people when he does a good deed such as getting a pat on the back, or a manly handshake but he felt that “kisses were yucky, kisses were sucky, kisses were very very unlucky”. There is a list of people who want to kiss Jack such as Aunty Poppy's who were sloppy, Uncle Micky whose were sticky, and some that were hairy and scary. He ends up writing a list of rules which include no kisses, no bum patting, no knee squeezing and signs it from Macho Man. However no one knew his secret especially when he was tucked up in “please don't tell anyone – he didn't mind....a kiss from Mum”. This book has worked a treat, for me anyway. Daniel now says that he only likes kisses from Mum. I am very privileged to be on the receiving end of these very rare treasures. So if you have a son who is shying away from your kisses I highly recommend this book.

1 comment:

  1. I must read this one - my boys also went through the stage of not liking kisses... in fact I am still waiting for them to grow out of it!
