Sometimes the thing that makes good bedtime story is reading a book that is suited to your family. This is one of my favourite books to read to our kids simply because I change some of the words. There are three baby owls who are the stars of the book ant their names are Sarah, Percy and Bill. As I have three children, in my version of the story the owls are called Laura, Aliyah and Daniel. Don't be afraid to change the words or character names when you are reading books to your little one. They love it as it helps them to relate more to the story and can bring some more fun to your reading time.
In Owl Babies the baby owls live with their mummy owl in a tree hollow. One night they wake up and Mummy owl is gone and they are a little anxious. Bill the youngest needs the most comforting as all he can say is that he wants his mummy. Sarah is the oldest and tells the others she thinks mummy has gone to get them food. Percy is reassured by Sarah and often agrees with her thinking (as all owls think a lot) However the longer she is away the more anxious they owlets get and wonder if mummy owl has been harmed in anyway.
I love taking my children on this story journey as it has a happy ending. Patrick Benson has depicted the most gorgeous fluffy feathery owls that remind me of my gorgeous children. Especially the youngest owl who just loves his mummy and wants her close to him. This is so much like my Daniel who loves is mummy 'a googolplex of mosts' (This is the largest number he knows, and yes, he is becoming geeky just like his father) I am enjoying his adoration of me as much as I can because in a few years he won't be so eager for cuddles and snuggles.
A great book to read while snuggling. 8/10.
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