Monday, August 15, 2011

It's Bedtime William! – Deborah Niland

Another book that is based on children's behaviour that parents are every familiar with and children can relate to. William always has an excuse for why he can't go to bed – he is not tired, he's thirsty, he wants another story, and so the excuses go on. His parents are firm, and need to be, to make sure that William goes to bed. But one day William really has an excuse for not wanting to go to bed....there is already someone in his bed. His parents send him back to his room believing it is just another excuse so William has to deal with the LION by himself. Initially they have lots of fun playing but when it is time for bed, Lion is not tired as he has already had a little nap in Williams bed. William learns what it is like for his parents when Lion tries all the excuses that William has used in the past.
The text is supported by ink and water colour illustrations and I like the way that the Lion and William's similarities are emphasised not only in their behaviour but in their style of hair.
This is not one of those books where they similarities between William and the Lion are missed by younger children as my 5 year old son's comment was “Now William has to be the Mum and Dad”
We all had lots of fun reading this book where we would make up lots of excuses and copy some of Lion's and William's excuses of why we couldn't go to bed.
This books is short-listed for The Children's Book Council of Australia Book of the Year:Early Childhood award. Although it is a fun book, I think that there are others in the list that will win the award.
Recommended for children aged 4-7.              7/10

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